

“石无限 x 设计新石器”主题展的展览面积达到了约2000平方米,展览划分为三个版块,分别是:100件原创石材设计产品展区设计论坛企业对接。每个展区都呈现了独具特色的设计理念和创意。展览所呈现的石材设计作品无疑是艺术与工艺的完美结合。设计师们通过对石材材质的理解和创意的发挥,将石材赋予了生命和灵性。







策展人王树茂介绍,“石无限×设计新石器”的更大意义在于,用实际的帮助,促进创意成交。因此,展览现场展出了包括法国设计师Pierre Alexis Gilbert、西班牙设计师Santiago Secillano、丹麦设计师Simon Legald、中国设计师周宸宸、于历战、赵云、陈燕飞、莫娇、耿秀月、曾强、梁晨、金辉、孔德政、徐升、李质光、丁嘉明、沈劲夫、李培新、刘犇、郑静蓓、宋文中、顾晓宇、中国设计品牌WUU、LEEDARSON立达信、不造 BUZAO等在内的多个设计师/工作室的优秀作品。在展示他们作品与创意的同时,为其提供链接高品质材料商与制造商的机会,为好设计落地生根创造更多可能。















Femo Design Studio 创始人

师从清华美院家具研究所于历战教授和国际著名华人设计师卢志荣,个人收藏有上千件原版设计,深谙现代设计美学及制作工艺,大学期间学业绩点和综合绩点均为学院年级第一,曾获中国教育部国家奖学金,校一等奖学金等12次,设计作品曾获中国设计奖年度至尊奖,德国红点奖,德国 IF 设计奖,台湾金点奖, 中国设计智造大奖,陈设中国·晶麒麟奖,中国红星奖未来之星奖(全国两名),《 AD安邸 》杂志2020中国设计新星等专业竞赛120多项。作品参加意大利米兰家具展,瑞典斯德哥尔摩家具展,设计上海,设计之春等展览40余次。

担任中国家博会 “ D2M Lab 设计样 ” 总策展人,厦门国际石材展“ 石无限 X 设计新石器 ”主题展总策展人和多个城市设计周家具版块策展人。


Stone Design in New Period has Begun

On June 5, 2023, the theme exhibition “Stone Infinite X Stone Design in New Period” of Xiamen International Stone Fair opened in Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center Hall A1. Using stone as the medium, this exhibition demonstrated the infinite possibilities of stone in the field of design, attracting visitors and design enthusiasts from all over the world.

The exhibition area of “Stone Infinite X Stone Design in New Period” theme exhibition reached about 2000 m2, and the exhibition was divided into three sections: 100 pieces of original stone design exhibition area, design forum and enterprise matchmaking. Each exhibition area presented a unique design concept and creativity. The stone design works presented in the exhibition were undoubtedly the perfect combination of art and craft. Through the understanding of stone materials and creative play, the designers gave stone life and spirituality.

On the first day of the exhibition, visitors spoke highly of the scale and quality of the exhibition. They said by visiting this exhibition, they not only understood the charm of stone, but also had an in-depth understanding of the application and development trend of stone in modern design.

The successful holding of the exhibition not only provided a platform for exchanges and cooperation for the industry, but also brought new opportunities and challenges for the development of the stone design industry.


100 original pieces of stone design products

Collision of stone and design brings unlimited possibilities of creativity

In the exhibition area of the 100 original pieces of stone design products, stone products and innovative design works from all over the world were displayed, giving stone infinite possibilities. Every piece of work demonstrated the diversity and charm of stone from abstract art to practical household products, from lamps to decorations. In this section, visitors were immersed in the wonderful world of stone and appreciated the wisdom and creativity of the designers.

Curator Femo Wong introduced that the greater significance of “Stone Infinite X Stone Design in New Period” was to facilitate connection between designers and manufacturers. While showcasing the excellent works from many designers and studios like French designer Pierre Alexis Gilbert, Spanish designer Santiago Secillano and Danish designer Simon Legald, Chinese designer Frank Chou, Yu Lizhan, Zhao Yun, Chen Yanfei, Mo Jiao, Geng Xiuyue, Zeng Qiang, Liang Chen, Jin Hui, Kong Dezheng, Xu Sheng, Li Zhiguang, Ding Jiaming, Shen Jinfu, Li Peixin, Liu Ben, Zheng Jingbei, Song Wenzhong, Gu Xiaoyu, Chinese design brand WUU, LEEDARSON, Buzao, etc., it also provided them with the opportunity to meet high-quality material suppliers and manufacturers, bringing more possibilities to create good designs.


Design Forum

Innovate stone design ideas, reveal the future trend of the industry

The design Forum attracted the participation of many industry experts. The guests spoke and discussed freely and deeply about the hot topics in the field of design, which triggered widespread discussion and attention. They took innovation research and development, industrial links, transformation and upgrading as the lead to explore the effective methods for the upgrading of the traditional stone industry.

Zhang Huanrong, Executive Secretary General of The Art Display & Decoration Committee of China, shared firstly her views on the relationship between design and nature. "We must integrate design with nature to create a better living environment." In the process of modernization, we need to think about how to maintain the coexisting relationship between man and nature. Several guests also mentioned that designers need to inherit culture and respect different cultures to create meaningful designs.

The design forum not only provided a platform for communication and education, but also provided new ideas for the development of the industry. Participants interacted actively and discussed how to integrate stone design with modern life, architecture and the environment, opening up more possibilities for the future design.

At the round-table discusstion, the designers expressed their innovative experience and design ideas in the application of stone, shared the challenges encountered in the stone application process, and discussed how to overcome these difficulties. The company representatives shared their cases and experiences of stone in the fields of architecture, interior design, product design, etc., and demonstrated the material characteristics of stone and the application effect after combining with other materials. In the end, they discussed jointly the sustainability in stone industry including problems of reducing material waste and protecting environmental resources in the process of stone application.


Enterprises Matchmaking

Stone enterprises join hands to create a new pattern of industrial development

The enterprise matchmaking section is an important part of the exhibition, providing a platform for communication and cooperation between designers and stone enterprises. Enterprises showed their products and technologies, while also looking for partners and market opportunities. Designers could learn about the latest stone materials and technologies, find the right stone suppliers and best solutions for their projects here. Thus establish long-term partnerships with enterprises to jointly promote the development and progress of the industry.

Curator Femo Wong said, "In the field of modern design, we can see that more and more designers and enterprises are refocusing on the traditional material - stone, and give it new life and new application forms through innovative design." Through this exhibition, the stone design industry will see a further boost to innovation and development. This gala will bring more inspiration and surprises to the design community, and set a new milestone for the stone design industry.

Femo Wong

A post-90s emerging designer and curator

As the founder of Femo Design Studio

He has studied under Professor Yu lizhan from Furniture Research Institute of Academy of Arts&Design, Tsinghua University and Chi Wing Lo, an internationally renowned Chinese designer. Femo Wong has thousands of original design works in his personal collection and is well versed in modern design aesthetics and production techniques. During college years, his academic grade point average and comprehensive grade point average were both the first in the grade. Besides, he also has been awarded the National Scholarship of the Ministry of Education of China and the first prize scholarship of college and other scholarships for 12 times. The works designed by him have won awards in more than 120 professional competitions such as the Annual Best of the Best Award of Kapok Design Awards China, German Red Dot Award, German iF Product Design Award, Taiwan’s Golden Pin Design Award, China Design Intelligence Award, the Future Star Award of China Red Star Design Award (two in China), 2020 Emerging Chinese Designer of ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST. Furthermore, his works have participated in Salone Internationale del Mobile di Milano, Stockholm Furniture Fair in Sweden, Design Shanghai, Design Spring and so on for more than 40 times.

In addition to being the chief curator of “D2M Lab” of China International Furniture Fair and “Stone Infinite X Stone Design in New Period” theme exhibition of China Xiamen International Stone Fair, he is also the curator of furniture section of many urban design weeks.

Meanwhile, he is the vice chairman of the Interior Design Committee of the China Building Materials Circulation Association, a member of the Design Working Committee of the China Furniture Association, the executive director of the B&B Industry Branch of Architecture and Culture Society of China, and also a contributing editor for the design column of Nanfang Daily.